Consequence of chemical disaster at Jaipur in 2009
Consequences of chemical disaster at Jaipur occurred in 2009 were, about 11 people lost their lives due to burns and asphyxia and more than 300 suffered injuries. IOC General Manager for Rajasthan Mr. Gautam Bose and 8 other officers were arrested in connection with the chemical disaster at Jaipur in 2009 caused by leakage of petrol during transfer from storage tank.Jaipur fuel storage and distribution terminal of the Indian Oil Corporation at Sitatpur in Jaipur can hold 100,000 kilolitres of petrol, diesel and kerosene in about 11 storage tanks. All 11 tanks caught fire.
- Broken ceilings, shattered windowpanes and cracks in the walls of the nearby Infosys, Genpact and Genus Electronics offices.
- Workshops of General Motors’ new Chevrolet showroom, and workshop offices of JWS Foods, Florence Foods, Sriram General Insurance, Morani Motors and engineering college JECRC.
- Over 100 small/medium sized businesses may have been affected.
- Thick plumes of pollutant-laced smoke had spread to over dozens of villages and residential colonies.
- Atmospheric pollution from the accident was a major health concern for residents in the area. People near at accident area had some healthy problems like heaviness in the chest, sore throats, irritation in the eyes and skin.
This article Causes and consequence of chemical disaster that occurred in 2009 at Jaipur can be very useful for CBSE Class IX students to prepare their Geography project of Disaster Management.
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